You create a beautiful post on social media, and then… no responses come in. Maybe just one or two likes. And you know all too well that with a bit more interaction, the Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn algorithm would show your post to more people.
I’ve had an idea for quite some time now;
Re-Act Together
What if, as a group of entrepreneurs, we commit to commenting on a ‘fellow Re-Act-or’s’ post at least once a day? This way, there’s a chance that a potential customer will jump in, and voilà, more interaction and greater impact from the post. In the long run, this could lead to more sales, rentals, bookings, or whatever else we aim to achieve.
Here’s the setup:
You participate in the ‘gentleman’s agreement’ and commit to putting effort into posting valuable comments on fellow entrepreneurs’ posts. In return, they will do the same for you. A goal of at least one comment per day seems reasonable, and by supporting a different colleague each day, the balance is maintained.
To keep track of this balance, I’ve created the WhatsApp group ‘Re-Act Together’. Here, you may also post a link to any post you’d like to highlight, making it easier for others to respond.
In the group chat, you can also post a weekly update on the number of comments you’ve posted compared to the responses you’ve received (e.g., after 10 days: 10/12). This way, you and your colleagues can see who might need a little extra attention. This ensures everyone benefits, and no one feels their energy is going to waste. Who can join? Essentially, any entrepreneur, ideally posting under a personal name, unless this task can be delegated to an employee. Comments should thus be personal, not from a company account.
Additionally, I’m providing a page on this website where everyone can introduce themselves so we all know who’s involved in ‘Re-Act Together’. A brief description of yourself with links to your social media profiles would be ideal. Let’s start with the comments!
Backlinks and advertising options could be a possible future step in this barter agreement. For now, I just want to give this a try and would be happy to see my posts and messages receive more comments and even the occasional share.
Good luck with your business, and welcome to the ‘Re-Act Together’ group! Feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Below are some brainstorm ideas and possible responses.
Best regards,
Arjan | AJ | Mr. Routaki
This is, of course, a very simple setup, entirely based on trust and the good intentions of all participants. I hope this works, and I have no need to earn anything from it myself. As you can see, you’ve landed on my Routaki website, which is part of the sole proprietorship AJ4U Golf & Guide. I would like to apply the principles of golf etiquette here, where everyone acts as their own referee and upholds the rules like a true gentleman (or lady!).
“It’s already so much work, and now I also have to log what I’ve done in a group chat. Plus, it’s quite annoying to have a group chat constantly notifying me of new messages.”
This could be a reaction some may have. I’ve tried here to address the potential concern that you’re investing time for others and not seeing anything in return. From my initial thoughts, it seems necessary to keep track of who has done what and who has received what. Without this, it could happen that one person (or company) receives a lot of attention while others get none. That’s why I’ve introduced the group chat. A single update once a week should be sufficient.
I’m fully aware of the potential for misuse, but here, I’m appealing to the etiquette mentioned earlier. Social accountability should be more than enough to keep things fair.
Nice – good – better – best
==> Like = nothing major, but still nice
==> A comment as a response to a post = good
==> An open question as a response to a post = better
==> Sharing the post with a comment = best
I imagine the last one would only happen if you have a personal connection with your colleague or if you share some common ground business-wise. Of course, we all have our own ‘profiling’, and some posts simply don’t fit within your business communication.
Q & A
* Does there need to be a limit on the number of participants?
I don’t think so. If everyone takes a moment each day to post a thoughtful comment, this can work with an unlimited number of participants. The future may show if a more regional setup would work better.
* Is this focused on one specific industry?
No, it doesn’t have to be. I can (personally) respond to a post from a wine bar just as easily as one from a car dealership. The goal is to think within the context of your colleague’s industry and post a comment they can benefit from.
* Where could it go wrong?
If you’re posting a comment each day for a different colleague but see no responses on your own social media posts. That’s why we have the WhatsApp group. If this happens, you can mention it in the group and share your current engagement numbers (for example, 15/4). Of course, it also goes wrong if people start manipulating these numbers, but I trust in everyone’s good values.
* Are there any costs involved?
No, setting up this page only took a few hours. If that’s all that’s needed, I’m fine with it. Send me a good photo and a nice description of yourself and your business, and I’ll happily add it to the site. Hopefully, this page will attract a lot of visitors in the (near) future. I’m a fan of barter deals and would love to ensure my own products and services sell well (with your help). If you’re interested in becoming a QR partner to promote the Routaki product, I’d love to hear from you!
* Does this already exist?
I haven’t come across anything like this and couldn’t find anything after a bit of Googling. That’s why I want to try it: Just do it. If it doesn’t help, it won’t hurt. I’m open to your reactions and comments.
* What does step 2 look like, with backlinks and ads?
If this principle works, it could be extended to include backlinks to each other’s websites, and we could place mutual ads on our sites. But let’s try this setup first. I’m curious to hear your ideas. My contact details are at the bottom of the footer on this page.