The use of hot-houses on the island of Crete.
The majority of the hot-houses on the island is used for the cultivation of tomatoes and cucumbers, about 80%. In peak season the harvest mainly stays on the island since there are 2 million tourists to feed. In the winter months the harvest is exported.
In the region of Malia the hot-houses are mainly for the cultivation of bananas. The bananas that grow here originally come from Africa, but the different climate has changed them. Their size and taste is what makes them special. They are small and very sweet but at the same time have a really strong banana flavour.
These bananas are not rarely for export and are mostly sold at the small stands along the street and on the local markets.
Cucumbers and tomatoes are the most important products, but also eggplant, onions, peppers and long green beans are cultivated. Also more exotic fruit like kiwis, melons, bananas and avocado are cultivated in the hot-houses.
In the meanwhile, the system is also used for the cultivation of carnations. The biggest part of the carnations that are cultivated in the plastic hot-houses are not for sale at a florist, they go to large Greek cities where they are sold at the ‘Bouzoukia’. These are greek events with live performances, where hundreds or sometimes thousands of people enjoy themselves. The audience can buy baskets of carnations to throw at the artists to show their gratitude. In most cases, there is a lady that does this for them.